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Rebalance Programme - Follow on change

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  • Chiropractic - Follow on and regular treatment

    Lasts up to 30min. May include spinal adjustment and/or other forms of treatment including supportive therapy
  • Chiropractic - New Patient Consultation and Treatment

    If you have not been seen as a patient at Hands on Health Family Chiropractic previously.
    • New Patient Consultation and Treatment £80
      If you have not been to Hands on Health Family Chiropractor before then this is the place to start for Chiropractic treatment. The appointment will last up to 60min and include consultation, examination, explanation of findings. An appropriate first treatment is included
    • Extended New Patient £150
      This longer consultation, examination and treatment will be required for children with delayed development/learning and behavioural difficulties and adults with neurological and other complex conditions. Start here for the Rebalance Programme.
    • Reflex and Neurodevelopement Assessment £100
      This is an hour appointment for assessment of the primitive/primary reflexes. A neurodevelopment assessment is undertaken. A verbal report of findings is given. No treatment is given at the appointment.
  • Telehealth

    Telehealth involves the use of telecommunications and virtual technology to deliver health care outside of traditional health-care facilities. 
    • Telehealth existing patient £35
      Virtual consultation and guidance in certain procedures and exercises while remaining at home. 20 min
    • Telehealth New Patient £70
      Consultation, remote examination, and explanation of the diagnosis. Treatment will include guidance in certain procedures and exercises while remaining at home. 45min
  • FREE Advisory Consultation

    Find out if chiropractic is for you from the comfort of your home/office as provided by Telehealth (video or phone)
    • Advisory Consultation Free
      Not sure if chiropractic is for you. This appointment provides a 20min consultation, with no obligation to rebook.
    • Baby Weigh Free
      Baby weigh, head circumference, length - community service
  • Well Child/Baby Check

    • Well child/baby check £67
      Includes history, examination, neurodevelopmental assessment, spinal assessment. No treatment is given at this time. 40min

    The programme can be used on any child (or even adult) who is experiencing neuro-developmental issues. The programme encompasses all aspects of you or your child's lifestyle to include nutrition, posture, musculoskeletal structure, neurodevelopmental assessment, primitive/primary reflex assessment and integration
    • Rebalance Programme - New Patient £150
      During the initial consultation, details will be taken about the presenting condition, lifestyle, development and function. This will be followed by a physical assessment including structure, function and primary reflexes as appropriate. 90 min
      The programme encompasses all aspects of you or your child's lifestyle to include nutrition, posture, musculoskeletal structure, neurodevelopmental assessment, primitive/primary reflex assessment and integration. During this consultation
  • Nutritional Consultation

    Before your visit to the clniic please ensure that you have downloaded, filled in and returned your Assessment form to the clinic.
  • Holistic Health Care Package

    Dig deeper into your health. This longer consultation, examination and treatment is ideal if you want to dig deeper into your health status. It includes the Chiropractic New Patient and treatment AND the new patient Nutritional assessment. 
Chiropractor: Lara Cawthra Price:£50